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50x Rosen Screw 1.4mm

Use Rosen Screw and have a peace of mind!
Hand torque only
No TI Base Needed – Direct connection to MUA
Never loosens
Works on all materials
Screw channel never breaks
Digital library available
Compatible With the following MUA’s:
3i, Adin, Astra, Blue, Dess, Biohorizons, Cortex, Densply,
Dentis, ICX, GenTek ZFX Hiossen, Keystone, Medentika, IPS Medentis, Medical (ICX), VanityGen, Megagen, Neobiotech, Neodent mini conical, Nobel,Biocare, Noris, Osstem,
Southern Implants, Straumann, SRL, Thommen, Medical, Zimmer.
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